The administration was established by an administrative decision from the esteemed university president with number /440500171/ and date 04/02/1444, in accordance with the powers granted to him and in compliance with the regulations and bylaws.
To the Council of Higher Education and Universities, in pursuit of the university's vision, mission, and goals, and in accordance with the requirements of work interests, the administration is concerned with ensuring the provision of the educational environment.
Attractive and stimulating, and enhancing the effective educational infrastructure to serve faculty members and students in classrooms, laboratories, and other facilities.
Other educational equipment such as teaching aids, supportive devices, and assistive technologies, in addition to other complementary equipment like furniture, in accordance with the standards.
and global practices, and performance measurement indicators, through proper planning, interim and final evaluation, and periodic development of all elements of the educational environment
The aforementioned in coordination with all relevant authorities within the framework of the university's vision, mission, and goals.
1- Maintenance of classrooms.
2- Maintenance of laboratories and workshops.
3- Maintenance of photocopying machines.
4- Providing educational supplies for colleges.